Did you know that we offer nutrition coaching at Perdido Bay Fitness? We have certified nutrition coaches that can help you!

Nutrition is a key factor when it comes to health, performance, and body composition. The saying is true, “You can’t outwork a poor diet!” We have countless conversations about nutrition with our clients every week. Our nutrition coaching philosophy is centered on helping our clients improve their habits with nutrition.

One thing we find with clients that struggle with nutrition is the “all or nothing” mentality when it comes to their diet. They feel pressured to eat perfectly all the time, and when they slip up, it can lead to guilt, frustration, and sometimes even giving up their goals entirely. That’s where the 80/20 Rule of Dieting comes in – a balanced approach that’s sustainable, effective, and most importantly, realistic!

What is the 80/20 Rule?

The 80/20 Rule of Dieting is a simple concept: aim to eat healthily 80% of the time, and allow yourself to enjoy less nutritious options the other 20%. This doesn’t mean you should go hog wild and binge on junk food every weekend, but it does give you the flexibility to indulge in moderation without derailing your progress.

Why it Works?

  1. Sustainability – Strict diets often lead to burnout. The 80/20 Rule is sustainable because it doesn’t require perfection. You’re less likely to feel deprived, making it easier to stick with long-term.
  2. Balance – Life is unpredictable, and social situations or cravings will come up. The 80/20 Rule accommodates those moments, allowing you to enjoy life without guilt. It teaches you to find balance, not just in your diet, but in your lifestyle.
  3. Psychological Benefits – When you know you have flexibility to enjoy your favorite foods occasionally, you’re less likely to obsess over them. This reduces the risk of binge eating or falling off the wagon entirely after one “cheat” meal.
  4. Encourages Mindful Eating – Since 80% of your meals are healthy, you’re naturally more mindful of what you’re eating. You’ll find yourself making better choices, not out of restriction, but out of a desire to fuel your body properly.

How to Implement the 80/20 Rule

  1. Plan Your Meals – Focus on nutrient-dense, whole foods for most of your meals. Think lean protein, nutritious carbs including lots vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats. Think about it…most people eat 3 meals a day. That means you’ll have roughly 90 meals in a month. Twenty percent of 90 is 18. So you see, there is ample room for some indulgence while staying on track 80% of the time.
  2. Allow Flexibility – Identify when and where you’ll indulge. It could be a weekend dinner out with friends, a piece of chocolate after a long day, a trip for ice cream with your kids or grandkids, or maybe a glass of wine during a special occasion. The key is to keep these indulgences within that 20% window.
  3. Listen to Your Body – Pay attention to how your body feels after different meals. You’ll likely notice that you feel better, both physically and mentally, when you stick to the 80% of nutritious eating.
  4. Stay Consistent – Consistency is the key! The 80/20 Rule isn’t a pass to eat whatever you want 20% of the time if it leads to inconsistency in the other 80%. Stick to your healthy habits, and use that 20% to enhance your lifestyle, not detract from it.

The 80/20 Rule of Dieting is more than just a diet, it’s a mindset. We encourage you to embrace this approach because it aligns with the goal of long term health, not just short term results. It’s about making healthy living a part of your everyday life, while still enjoying the things you love.

Could you use help with your nutrition? We would love to help you on your health and fitness journey!

~ Coach MJ